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Customer Snapshots

Province of British Columbia

Advantis designed and delivered training for the BC Public Service Agency’s Leadership and Learning Services, the agency responsible for leadership and management training for all departments of the BC Provincial Government, an employer with over 30,000 workers.


  • Over 1,000 managers trained in management, leadership and human resources.
  • Training was rated 4.8 out of 5.0.
  • Knowledge level increased from 32% to 96% (based on pre & post-course knowledge assessments).
  • 96% of participants highly recommended Advantis trainers to others.

BC Assessment Authority

Advantis designed and delivered a management training program to senior managers at the BC Assessment Authority. This course was originally designed for the senior managers throughout the province of BC using a 1 ½ day classroom format followed by monthly small-group telephone coaching sessions. Based on positive feedback from the senior managers, BCA expanded the program to include all of their middle managers.


  • Over 420 managers and supervisors trained in management, leadership and human resources.
  • Training was rated 4.6 out of 5.0.

Ready, Aim, Influence!



Organize Tomorrow Today (Part 3)

Organize Tomorrow Today (Part 2)

Organize Tomorrow Today (Part 1)



Advantis has been highly creative, using adult education principles very effectively. Through the design phase, they have shown flexibility and have been quick to grasp principles that are core to the workshops. They have also shown initiative in recommending changes as the workshops progressed and I value their insight and professionalism.

I can confidently recommend Advantis.

Bert Elliot

Learning Service Branch Public Service Agency