Change Management

5 Ways to Reduce Workplace Stress
The world is changing faster than ever. But one thing has never changed: people don’t like change! Change causes stress. It can make them feel like they are losing control It can threaten to remove comfort zones. It can leave them feeling stressed and overwhelmed. If you want to successfully lead individuals or organizations through change…

Millennials in the Workplace
The Millennial Generation (also referred to as Generation Y or Net Generation), born during the 1980s and early 1990s, has joined three earlier generations in the workplace – Generation X, Baby Boomers and a few not-yet-retired Traditionalists. As the Millennial generation is replacing the Baby Boomers who are retiring, it is important to know what…
Ready, Aim, Influence!

Excellent – she practiced everything she preached, great examples, demos”
“Very passionate & enthusiastic speaker, some good keepers to take with me”
“High energy and great interaction with the audience”
“Awesome effort – great take away”