Employee Engagement

Growing Great Leaders & Employees

The Issue The Solution

Gallup revealed that over 70% of employees are either not engaged or actively disengaged.  A recent Harris Poll showed that 50% of employees are not satisfied with their workplace, 37% are confused about what their organization is trying to achieve, 80% are not enthusiastic about their organization’s goals, 80% do not see a connection between their day-to-day tasks on the job and their organization’s overall goals and 83% feel their organization is unreceptive to employee input and new ideas.

This lack of engagement on the part of the employee has consequences, including low morale, poor customer service, higher absenteeism, increased stress, and loss of innovation, creative thinking and revenue.

This workshop will introduce leaders to the assessment tools needed to know if they are engaged, how to enhance their motivation at the workplace.  Building on the leader’s engagement, the leader can then nurture a workplace environment where employees desire to make things work better, understand the business context and the “bigger picture” and be respectful of and helpful to colleagues.

Participants will learn to:

  • Identify behaviours of engaged employee
  • Understand how employers unknowingly sabotage engaged employees
  • Evaluate the extent to which an employee is engaged by asking predictive questions
  • Appreciate why employee engagement matters
  • Implement keys that will increase employee engagement

Motivating Pathways for employees

The Issue The Solution

A well-known study found that the top five workplace motivators were non-monetary. In fact, three of the top five required little or no financial resources and very little time to implement.  Yet, because many employers think that money and position are what drive people, they end up ignoring motivators that would likely work better and cost much less.

This workshop will put simple and practical methods at your disposal for motivating employees through strategic acts of recognition.

Participants will learn to:

  • Know the differences between recognition, reward, and incentives
  • Implement the top 5 non-monetary methods of motivation
  • Discover the keys for recognizing and motivating an employee that will make a lasting impression and change behaviours
  • Debunk common myths of recognition and motivation
  • Understand top reasons why employees leave
  • Make recognition a part of their everyday job

“People may take a job for more money, but they often leave it for more recognition.”~ Bob Nelson

Managing Change

The Issue The Solution

Organizational change is an unavoidable reality. Whether a new vision, boss, product, policy, opportunity, ad campaign or organizational structure, change is happening. Most of these changes need the buy-in and loyalty of large numbers of employees whose commitment is necessary for successful implementation. Without employee participation, planned changes can easily derail resulting in low morale, reduction in productivity, lost opportunities, and disappointment due to unmet expectations, not to mention waste of time and revenue.

Because of what is a stake, it is critical to understand how to navigate the waters of organizational change. However, change never happens around employees without transition happening within employees.  The same applies for managers.

Participants will learn to:

  • Define and understand the external situational and internal psychological elements of change
  • Move the organization through the critical stages of change
  • Navigate resistance to change
  • Build confidence in preparation for change
  • Communicate the need for change and the process to make it happen

“Your success in life isn’t based on your ability to simply change. It is based on your ability to change faster than your competition, customers and business.”       ~Mark Sanborn

Ready, Aim, Influence!



Organize Tomorrow Today (Part 3)

Organize Tomorrow Today (Part 2)

Organize Tomorrow Today (Part 1)



Excellent – she practiced everything she preached, great examples, demos”
“Very passionate & enthusiastic speaker, some good keepers to take with me”
“High energy and great interaction with the audience”
“Awesome effort – great take away”

General Feedback

After a keynote address for the Canadian Society for Marketing Professional Services.